Reinsdorf International Grammar School

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Excellent participation in dental health competition

Melina Sophie Körner, student of class 6IGR, was awarded by the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Jugendzahnpflege des Freistaates Sachsen e.V. (LAGZ) for her participation in the competition "Bis(s) ich alt bin...".

The aim of the competition was to address the question of what kind of world today's children will be living in 20, 30 or 50 years from now, what wishes and hopes the children have for their lives and what they really need a good bite for. Of course, the question of what role a healthy mouth and healthy teeth play in all of this should be specifically addressed. Melina came up with a story for this, in which two siblings deal with their dental health in different ways. The one with worse teeth ends up getting braces, eating healthier, better and her teeth recover. A great idea and a demonstration of a healthy diet not only for the body, but also for our teeth. So - don't forget: Brush your teeth twice a day 🙂

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