Reinsdorf International Grammar School

News from
everyday school life

Present meets history

On September 6, 2024, Year 9 at Reinsdorf Grammar School had the opportunity to continue the project they had already started in Year 8 on the reappraisal of the satellite concentration camp in Mülsen.

Guided by the project staff of the "DenkMal! Death March Mülsen - Eibenstock 1945" project, the class visited the textile factory Jahn GmbH & Co. KG. The factory site was used to manufacture aircraft parts due to the bombing of industrial plants at the end of the Second World War. The Nazis used prisoners from the Flossenbürg concentration camp to carry out the work. The workers were held captive in inhumane conditions in the basement of the factory.

At the end of the war, Herrmann Göhring ordered the evacuation of all satellite camps so that the atrocities committed by the National Socialists could be concealed from posterity if possible. Around 800 prisoners, emaciated and sick, had to make their way to Aue to be transported onwards by train. Their journey took them through the communities of Hartenstein, Schlema, Schneeberg, Zschorlau and Eibenstock. There, the remaining prisoners boarded a train in Wolfsgrün to the Leitmeritz satellite camp, where around 350 prisoners eventually arrived. Some managed to escape on the way or died in air raids.

83 sick people who were unable to walk were executed on the sports field in Niederschlema and their bodies were buried in a nearby mine with the help of the Niederschlema population.

Class 9 IGR already drew up a project outline last school year on how pupils and the population around Mülsen could be made aware of the topic. They also developed a concept for how the reappraisal could be designed in a modern way.

The result was the idea of scanning the factory premises via 3D modeling and making them accessible via an online tour. This idea will be put into practice next January together with the FAB-Mobil of the state of Saxony.

We would like to thank the staff of the DenkMal! project for the informative day and for supervising the project.

Johannes Brandt - Teacher for GRW

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